Risk factors
Before making any type of investment in crypto assets, you should be aware of the risks involved. Each investor has the responsibility to carefully evaluate both his financial situation and the risk willing to assume to invest and acquire EXOS. It is essential that the investor assesses the risks associated and whether he/ she has sufficient information to understand what is being offered.
Metrobots Games S.L. has devoted all its efforts to take appropriate measures to issue a risk-free token that meets all the objectives described above; its main purpose is to provide a series of benefits to all its investors. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the fact that it is a security based on a totally disruptive technology such as blockchain technology means that there are certain risks that we believe it is appropriate to point out to provide greater transparency to the investor.
In this regard, on February 9, 2021, the CNMV, together with the Bank of Spain, published a press release warning of the risks of cryptocurrencies as an investment.
Among the risks mentioned by these institutions, there are the following:
a. Cryptocurrencies are not securities issued, supervised, or guaranteed by a government and/or competent authority.
b. They are securities generally subject to extreme volatility, complexity, and lack of transparency.
c. Concerning the regulatory field, there is still no legal framework in the European Union that provides guarantees and makes it similar to financial products, although there is a proposal for a regulation (known as MiCA), which will include an optimal regulatory framework for the issuance of crypto-assets and their providers.
d. As there is currently no legal regulation, cryptocurrencies are not considered a means of payment (although there are limited sectors that do accept them), they are not supported by any bank or public authority and are not supported by customer protection mechanisms.
e. The pricing of cryptocurrencies is often formed without effective mechanisms to prevent their manipulation and without public information to support them.
f. Some cryptocurrencies are not liquid, which may result in the loss of the investment made.
g. Due to the cross-border nature of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, it is possible that there may be problems in the resolution of conflicts and that this may be costly as the Spanish authorities are not competent.
h. As their custody is not regulated or supervised, it may lead to theft, fraud or losses, which would entail the loss of the cryptocurrencies and the investments made.
In any case, as mentioned above, Metrobots Games S.L. has put all its efforts in providing the token with the established values and benefits and issuing a risk-free crypto-asset. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you can contact us at any time.
Last updated
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